Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 2nd Edition 文件大小7.27M,14个压缩包 【yocheng原创】 【版本日期20080116】 介绍(转载自 剑桥高级学习词典,虽然名气比起OALD、Longman差了不少,但是感觉内容编排还是很有特色,个人觉得学习词典中比较好的一本。适合CET阶段使用。以下介绍来自 Ideal for FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC and IELTS preparation A fully updated edition of the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and CD-ROM, with new, up-to-date vocabulary (e.g. sex up, speed-dating, whiteboard), new ‘mini-collocation’ boxes, and new frequency information to highlight the most important words to learn.